The Cupcake Estate

Dear Journal,

Today I spent a good bell walking around Weavy and Broc’s estate, learning the ropes and the individual cleaning needs of their abode. Did you know she’s named her cat Archon Loaf? Who would do that? I remember that tasteless bread from Old Sharlayan so many moons ago, and it was utter shite. I mean, the cat is sort of square and plump as a freshly baked loaf? Mayhap that was her reason? Gods, I hope it didn’t come out of it’s mother looking as such. Could you imagine the pain?

Anyroad, their estate! There was a rather large portrait of Horchifont hanging on the wall. So many folks honored that man. I remember Lith had one in his room as well. Turns out that Weavy had a crush on him. Yep, that totally sounds like Lith. Those two should get together…hells, we should all get together for wine…

I also learned that Weavy can’t cook for shite either. Ah, the perks of being with men who do, hm? She said Broc is quite the accomplished chef.

I was expected to every other sennight clean the two main floors of the estate, dust, water the plants, and skim the pond. The bed linens and laundry would be done each sennight, ro as needed.

Down in the basement is this beautiful glowing crystal tree, but it’s got some tie to Weavy’s aether. With a snap of her fingers, it emitted some gods-awful crooning and wailing. Lights flickered and I was worried it’d wake the sleeping bairns above. Nay; the thoughtful mother of two had them tucked away safely behind some magical sound barrier. I’m never, ever, ever to tend to or touch the crystalline tree. I can abide by that…

I was advised to be careful in the basement as there was a lot of magic in use. Or not in use and just lying around. Shite. Also, I was instructed not to touch the bookshelves in her private room. Also, don’t touch the stack of books in the basement as she was in the midst of research. I asked what she was researching.

I will never forget the moment. Or her answer: “The world is beautiful. And I want to see it flourish,” she said, as she pointed a finger at the grass-covered flooring and a closed flower bud opened as if she were the coming dawn. Someone saw terror-inducing doing something so tender…Anyroad, Weavy would tend to the enchanted floors of the basement herself. They were covered in flowers and grass, just as the Shimizu household. I wondered if she, too, tended the water crystals as Red did.

There was a marvelous green wing tacked into a shadowbox frame on the wall. As I marveled at it’s glistening beauty and was reminded of my best friend’s matching, glowing scar – she told me that it was not a purchased collectible. Rather, she herself: Weavy Cupcake, had torn the wing right off of the primal Shinryu. Smells like yak shite to me. Or mayhap just the dirty nappies of her bairns? Pfft. Weavy is powerful and terrifying, but to tear the wing off of a primal? Nay. I smiled and let her have her fib, though.

She and her husband had desks side-by-side along a beautiful rainbow fish of great proportions. I would be tasked with keeping the desks tidy: not touching or moving anything on Broc’s but dusting around it all instead. But Weavy’s? I could manipulate all items except for the cake. Easy enough.

That fish? It’s name is Hugh and apparently cost a couple of million gil. By the gods: could you imagine gil that could buy a small estate on a creature that lives in an aquarium? I wonder what’s so special about Hugh. Mayhap he’s magical, too?

A quick tour back upstairs brought us to her personal room. There was a massive throne – was it made of ice? The bookshelves I was not to touch. An art area with easel and paints. And…a giant blob of jam on a mat in the middle of the room. Apparently, part of her life magics was manifesting this jam into a massive jam? It wobbled a bit as we walked around the room, but I didn’t pay it much mind. She and her experiments.

And that was the bell. I would be by to clean anon, but today? The walkthrough. It was nice to see Weavy so comfortable and casual and…approachable.

((OOC: session 9/19/22 in FFXIV; all screenshots edited via Snapseed for Android))


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